Friday, March 3, 2023

Looking For The Next Perfect AirBNB Rental


     We currently have a cute little AirBNB on our property.  When I say little -- 480 sq ft.  Since it is so close to the house it is easy to clean or help out a guest. We have had it open for over two years now and business has been good.  So good, that we have been looking for a place to open a second AirBNB.


     We have been looking for about a year.  That has given us time to really narrow down what we were looking for.  #1  Close to our house.  We didn't want a long drive when someone needed extra towels.  #2  Not a huge house.  Two bedroom, one or two bath. I didn't want to spend all of my time cleaning..  #3  Preferably in the country.  No neighbors to complain about living next door to an AirBNB, and the guests can't complain about the neighbors shooting guns.  (Yep, this is rural Missouri).  #4  An old house with history and character that we could bring back to life. #5 A house well below our budget so that we could have plenty of money left for remodeling and furnishings.


     When this property met every one of the first three of our criteria, I still wasn't convinced.  Where was my 1910 farmhouse that I was meant to transform? I have sold primitives and farmhouse vintage for 30 years -- that is what I know. What was I to do with a plain jane1972 ranch style house?  And it was at the top of our budget -- which meant no splashy makeovers.  

The bottom line -- two miles from our house was just too good to ignore.  Time to make lemonade.  Time to embrace mid-century.  Not just any mid-century -- but something that would have fit into the southwest Missouri mid-century.  Not too over the top.  Not too radical.  Not neon.  But still unmistakably MCM.  We had a contract on the property at the end of the first day it came on the market.

That was two weeks ago.  Two more weeks to go until we close on it.
What have we been doing, and what will we be doing until closing is
something I am very good at -- hunting and gathering.  Looking for the very cheapest Mid-Century or Mid-Century knock off items that would tick off the boxes for what we need in the way of furnishing, decorating and remodeling.  

When I am not doing that, I am looking for cheap MCM decorating ideas, 
and googling things like how to tie-dye sheets.  I am dreaming of lava lights, shag carpeting (just a smidge) and boomerang barkcloth curtains.  We can do this thing.

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