Monday, June 26, 2023

Open House & Now A Well Deserved Rest

Real estate photo -- "before"

"after" -- Sunday Open House
Sunday afternoon was our open house at our Mid-Century Modern AirBNB for friends, neighbors and those that helped out along the way.  A bookend to all the work that started months ago. AND our first paying guests arrive tomorrow!  

I will NOT miss working on it.  I am ready to shake the proverbial work dust off of my tired feet and not look back.  I really like the way it turned out, but it was not a joy ride. And I am tired. And have plantar fasciitis because of all the ladder work.

The next step (which I can do with my foot elevated!) is to do all that is necessary to get it listed on AirBNB.  We will probably be accepting AirBNB guests by mid or late July.  Thank you for doing this journey with us.  It is valuable having a record of the process, and it is a bonus that others shared the adventure with us.  Blessings.

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Open House & Now A Well Deserved Rest

Real estate photo -- "before" "after" -- Sunday Open House Sunday afternoon was our open house at our Mid-Century Modern...