Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Firepit Area

The firepit area was once a chicken coop.  Now all that is left is a bit of foundation and a concrete slab.  We had an overgrown jungle to deal with (my husband did most of the hard labor to clear it.)

There are two levels.  The upper level is the firepit seating area.  (It is bigger than it looks from this angle).  The lower area is only partially concrete.  

The big rock in the middle isn't going anywhere -- so we have to figure out how to make it look like more of a feature. (Pictured above is some of the fossils in the big rock.) There is a little section right behind the rock where I want to plant a small "understory" tree.  

And that whole front section will become a simple shade garden.  This fall I will plant some hostas and maybe bring in a couple more large rocks. (My husband will be excited to hear about the "large rocks".)

Metal lawn chairs (we talked about those in an earlier post) that we purchased for $150 from Facebook Marketplace.  Of course they received a coat of spraypaint and I put little rubber feet on them to help prevent rust. The metal firepit needed to be round, because we wanted to incorporate the rounded landscaping bricks which the previous owner had used as his firepit. We learned that you can't build fires right on concrete, the heat will eventually destroy the concrete. This one was around $100 from Lowe's.  It is ready for guests!

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