Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Authentic Mid-Century Barkcloth Curtains Get Patched


I think I mentioned that I bought and sold antiques for 30 years.  Not much of it was mid-century.  And when I got out of the biz a couple of years ago, I liquidated my inventory.  Looking around our house,  there just wasn't any mid-century stuff to steal for the new AirBNB.

EXCEPT.  My husband was the first to "see" them.  I had stapled them under the work bench in the garage to hide junk during my vintage sales at my house -- several yards of mid-century barkcloth curtains.  I have no idea where I originally picked them up or how long I have had them. They had been hanging there in the garage for so many years that I just failed to notice them anymore. 

In addition to being delightfully dirty, they had holes.  Hmmm.  No sewing machine.  No budget for anyone else to do the sewing. Time to be creative....I ordered a $6 (60") roll of black iron-on patching from Walmart.  

I cut rounded triangles out of it to replicate the pattern on the curtains.  

After I covered all of the holes with triangles, I went back and added more triangles to fill in the blank spaces.  I am pretty happy with the result. I ended up with four 31"x43" panels. There is only one window in the den, and there will possibly be one in the exterior door we are replacing. So I will have some fabric leftover to cover pillows as well.  

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