Sunday, May 14, 2023

Front Door Makeover Completed


"Front Door Makeover Completed" -- that sounds like we did it in five minutes instead of five weeks.  But today marks the milestone of not having the door on the "to-do list".  The screen door was removed, and yes -- given to the Habitat Restore.   The exterior side of the front door was painted not-really-true-black after being prepped with special adhesive spraypaint.

Bob took off the old handle and replaced it with this more "mid-century" looking handle.  And it is much easier to open than the last handle.  $133 from Lowe's.

Bob also replaced a very sad looking porch light with this round one.  When he took down the first one there was a cute little nest on it, but no eggs -- so I let him go ahead and take it down.  A single day later, a slightly improved version of the nest was re-made on the new porch light. Everybody is renovating. Update:  Only a few months later we replaced this light.  It was catching bugs inside, and took too much cleaning.

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