Friday, March 24, 2023

New Gravel Driveway And A Bonus


Our driveway is just below the peak of a hill -- hard to see if cars are coming from that direction.  So we decided we definitely needed a pull-though drive.  My husband called for a gravel quote on Wednesday, and the guy was there on Thursday morning to give us an estimate.  WITH his John Deere tractor.  

Yes, we wanted him to do the driveway.  Then OK, he will just take out a bush that is in the way while he is here.  And what about those two bushes?  Yep, he took those out with his JD too.  And stuck all three of them all in the back of his flatbed and drove them away.  (It was going to take us 1-2 days to get rid of those bushes!)

He said he would be back here at 7:15 Friday morning with the gravel, and finish the job.  

Why aren't all home improvement businesses like that?

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